Wednesday, October 30, 2013

The 27th Night of Ramadan

The 27th Night of Ramadan
By: Sarah Magdy
Laylat al-Qadr is believed by the muslims to be the night when the Quran was first revealed.
Muslims often pray extra prayers on this day, particularly Tahajud. They awake, pray, and hope God will give them anything they may desire on this night. Mostly, they reciting the Quran.
Laylat Al Qadr is described in the Quran as, “better than a thousand months” (97:3). Any action done on this night such as reciting the Quran, performing Azkar, etc. is better than acting for one thousand months.
Aisha - may Allah be pleased with her - said: "Allah’s Messenger used to exert himself in devotion during the last ten nights to a greater extent than at any other time.” (Muslim). Allah’s peace and blessings be upon our beloved Prophet.
Many of us spend a good portion of our Ramadan nights with our hands raised in du`a’ (supplication).
How to take full advantage and benefit from this day :
The holy month is flying by and what better time to get closer to God than Ramadan? The last 10 days of Ramadan have been known to be the most blessed of the whole month where good deeds are multiplied and bad deeds are forgiven. Here are a few things you can do to take full advantage of the last 10 days of the holy month:
1- Get in high gear for the next 10 nights and days and renew your intentions (niya).
2- Ietikaf is to stay at mosque and to be away from world's temptations, Try to convince a friend/ relative/ sibling to join you.
4- Pray Taraweeh and Tahajud 
Aisha - may Allah be pleased with her - said: I asked the Messenger of Allah: 'O Messenger of Allah, if I know what night is Laylat Al Qadr, what should I say during it?' He said: "Oh Allah you are forgiving, generous and love to forgive, forgive us"
5. Recite the Quran as often as you can . The last ten days of Ramadan that are even more blessed than the rest of Ramadan. In it is a night that Quran tells us is better than 1000 months.
6- Strive to gain forgiveness by performing Dua'a and tasbeeh.
7- Give charity to the poor.

Tuesday, August 13, 2013

Angel of Death

The Angels of Death

6:93: "If thou couldst see, when the wrong-doers reach the pangs of death and the angels stretch their hands out,  saying: Deliver up your souls."

32:11: "Say: The Angel of Death, who hath charge concerning you, will gather you and afterward unto your Lord ye will be returned." 

In these verses the Angel of Death and his assistants are sent to take the soul of those destined to die.
Who is the Angel of Death? When God wanted to create Adam, he sent one of the Angels of the Throne to
bring some of the earth's clay to fashion Adam from it. When the angel came to earth to take the clay, the
earth told him: "I beseech you by the One Who sent you not to take anything from me to make someone
who will be punished one day." When the angel returned empty-handed, God asked him why he did not
bring back any clay. The angel said: "The earth beseeched me by Your greatness not to take anything from
it." Then God sent another angel, but the same thing happened, and then another, until God decided to
send Azra'il, the Angel of Death. The earth spoke to him as it had spoken to the others, but Azra'il said:
"Obedience to God is better than obedience to you, even if you beseech me by His greatness." And Azra'il
took clay from the earth's east and its west, its north and its south, and brought it back to God. God poured
some water of paradise on this clay and it became soft, and from it He created Adam.

Prophet Abraham questions Azra'il

The Prophet Abraham once asked Azra'il who has two eyes in the front of his head and two eyes in the
back: "O Angel of Death! What do you do if one man dies in the east and another in the west, or if a land is
stricken by the plague, or if two armies meet in the field?" The angel said: "O Messenger of God! the
names of these people are inscribed on the lawh al-mahfuz: It is the 'Preserved Tablet' on which all human
destinies are engraved. I gaze at it incessantly. It informs me of the moment when the lifetime of any living
being on earth has come to an end, be it one of mankind or one of the beasts. There is also a tree next to
me, called the Tree of Life. It is covered with myriads of tiny leaves, smaller than the leaves of the olive-tree
and much more numerous. Whenever a person is born on earth, the tree sprouts a new leaf, and on this
leaf is written the name of that person. It is by means of this tree that I know who is born and who is to die.
When a person is going to die, his leaf begins to wilt and dry, and it falls from the tree onto the tablet. Then
this person's name is erased from the Preserved Tablet. This event happens forty days before the actual
death of that person. We are informed forty days in advance of his impending death. That person himself
may not know it and may continue his life on earth full of hope and plans. However, we here in the heavens
know and have that information. That is why God has said: 'Your sustenance has been written in the
heavens and decreed for you,' and it includes the life-span. The moment we see in heaven that leaf wilting
and dying we mix it into that person's provision, and from the fortieth day before his death he begins to
consume his leaf from the Tree of Life without knowing it. Only forty days then remain of his life in this world,
and after that there is no provision for him in it. Then I summon the spirits by God's leave, until they are
present right before me, and the earth is flattened out and left like a dish before me, from which I partake
as I wish, by God's order."

Two Deaths

A certain king once went on a trip to one of his provinces. He set out on his journey, dressed in a
pompous array and puffed up with pride. A man poorly dressed approached and greeted him from the
side of the road; but the king would not answer. The man caught the bridles of the king's horse and none of
the king's soldiers could make him let go. The king cried: "Let go of the bridle!" The man said: "First grant
me my request." The king said: "Release the bridle and I promise to hear your request." The man said:
"No, you must hear it right away," and he pulled harder on the reins. The king said: "What is your request?"
The man replied: "Let me whisper it in your ear, for it is a secret." The king leaned down and the man
whispered to him: "I am the Angel of Death." The king's face became pale and he stammered: "Let me go
home and bid farewell to my family, and wrap up my affairs." But Azra'il said: "By the One Who sent me,
you will never see your family and your wealth in this world again!" He took his soul there and then, and the
king fell from his horse like a wooden log. The Angel of Death went on his way and saw a believer walking
by himself on the road. The angel greeted him, and he gave back his greeting. The angel said: "I have a
message for you." "Yes, my brother, what is it?" "I am the Angel of Death." The believer's face brightened
with a big smile. "Welcome, welcome!" He said. "As God is my witness, I was waiting for you more
impatiently than for anyone else." "O my brother!" the Angel of Death said, "perhaps you have a matter that
you wish to settle first, so go and take care of it, for there is no rush." "As God is my witness," the believer
said: "there is nothing I wish more dearly than to meet my Lord." The angel said: "Choose the way in which
you would like me to take your soul, for so I have been ordered to ask you." The believer said: "Then let me
pray two cycles of prayer, and take my soul while I am kneeling in prostration."

Izrail Takes the Life on an Ascetic

One day, the master of ascetics, Ibrahim ibn Adham, was by the sea-shore on a snowy day. Heavy, dark
clouds were filling the sky and he was shivering with cold. He made his prayers on a plank of wood and sat
in meditation all night. In the early morning he took a shower and made a small hut out of the wood to
shelter him from the weather. He resumed his meditation and thanked God for his life. At that moment, God
said to the Angel of Death: "My servant Ibrahim's fervent love for Me has become unbearable upon him,
therefore go down and take his soul and let him enter My paradise." The Angel of Death thought that
Ibrahim ibn Adham would be like others, unwilling to give up his soul and putting up resistance. He veiled
himself with seven veils so that he would not be recognized, and he appeared to Ibrahim as a very old man.
He said to him: "O my brother! can you share your shelter with me?" Ibrahim replied: "It is not necessary to
share it, I will give it to you, because I was expecting you since last night to come and take me to my Lord."
The angel of death was very surprised and asked him: "How did you recognize me despite my veils?"
Ibrahim replied: "When God ordered you to take my soul, I was present there with you. Take me and let me
be in the presence of my Beloved."

The Death of a Subject of King Solomon (as)

One day, the Angel of Death entered King Solomon's presence and looked at one of Solomon's subjects
in a fierce way, then left. The man asked Solomon: "Who was that?" He said: "That was the Angel of
Death." The man said: "I saw him looking at me as if he wanted my soul!" Solomon said: "What do you
want me to do?" He said: "I want you to order the winds to take me and carry me to India so that I will be
safe." Solomon summoned the angel of the winds, who appeared in front of him with his 660 wings. He
carried all winds within his wings. He put the man inside one of his wings and took him to India. The Angel
of Death then came to Solomon again and Solomon said to him: "I saw you looking at one of my people."
"Yes," replied the angel, "I was surprised to see him here with you, because I was ordered to take his soul
from a place in India!"

Dede Korkut

Dede Korkut was the bravest warrior of his time. His exploits reached a point where he considered himself
invincible in the land, and challenged all creation to defeat him and his brave young men in combat. God
heard his words and was displeased with his pride. So he sent him the Angel of Death to take his soul.
Azra'il came to him as he was feasting in his palace and stood before him without saying a word. Dede
Korkut said: "I did not see you come in; who are you?" The angel replied: "I am not one to ask permission
from the likes of you, and I came to teach you a lesson." The young man immediately rose to his feet and
ordered that the visitor be caught, but he changed himself into a bird and flew out through the chimney.

Dede Korkut ordered his horse saddled and everyone rushed in hot pursuit of the strange bird. Soon he
found himself lost in the middle of the forest, and the angel suddenly appeared again in front of him. "I got
you now!" exclaimed Dede Korkut. "No," said the angel, "I got you," and he brought him down from his
horse and stood on his chest, pinning him to the ground. Dede Korkut began to cry and said: "I feel weaker
than I ever felt before. What did you do to me?" Azra'il said: "I am the angel of death, so prepare yourself to
leave this life." He replied: "I beseech you to give me more time and I apologize to you if my boasting
offended you." Azra'il said: "Do not apologize to me and do not beseech me. I am a creature like you, and I
only follow orders from the Almighty." Dede Korkut said: "Then get out of my way, and stop wasting my
time!" And he began to pray to God: "Forgive my boasting, O my God! and give me another chance, as I
apologize for offending you. You are the Almighty over your creation."

God liked Dede's words and instructed Azra'il to give him a respite. Azra'il said: "God has decided to let
you live on the condition that you find someone else to die in your place." Dede Korkut thought: "I will ask
my father, he is old and will not refuse me." He went to him and told him his story, but he replied: "O my
son! I slaved my lifelong in order to relish my old age. I am sorry, but I am not ready to die in your place."
Dede Korkut thought: "Surely my mother will not refuse me." He went to her but she said: "O my son! I gave
my life to you many times already, when I bore you, fed you, raised you and took care of you. Now the rest
of my life belongs at your father's side, as company for his old age."

The young man was crestfallen and he went home, resigned to die. When his young wife saw his sadness,
she asked what troubled him and he said: "O my beloved wife! the Angel of Death is about to come and
take my life unless I find someone else willing to die in my place, and my own father and mother have
refused me, so who can I find now?" His wife answered, "O my beloved husband! why didn't you ask me? I
am happy to give you what even your father and mother cannot give you. Take my life so that yours can be
spared." When Dede Korkut, the Fierce Warrior heard these words, his heart melted and tears came to
his eyes. He turned to God and said: "O my Lord! forgive me, take my life and spare my wife, for she is
worthier and braver than me." God was again pleased to hear those words, and he decided to spare both
Dede Korkut and his wife. Instead, He sent Azra'il to take the life of his parents as they had been blessed
with a long and happy life.

God wrote on the palms of the Angel of Death in letters of light: "In the Name of God, Most Merciful, Most
Beneficent." He ordered the angel, whenever he had to take the soul of a Knower of God, to show him
those letters of light which cause the soul of the Knower to come out of is body like an element attracted to
a magnet, or like light returning to its source.

The Passing of King David, peace be on him
The Prophet narrated that David never accepted anyone entering his house, and he always locked all his
doors whenever he went out. One day he went out for a certain matter and when he came back, he found a
man in his house, standing and waiting for him. David was surprised to see him and he asked him what he
was doing there. The man replied: "I am the one who needs no permission to enter, who does not fear
kings, and whom no-one can resist." David said: "Then you are the Angel of Death, so welcome to you with
fond love, for I was eagerly waiting for the moment when I shall be with my Beloved." And the Angel of
Death took David's soul. 

Zul-Hijjah (Twelfth and last month of the Islamic Calendar.)

Twelfth and last month of the Islamic Calendar.

Meaning: The month of "Hajj" (Pilgrimage).  This is the last sacred month in which fighting was forbidden.

The fifth pillar of Islam "Hajj" is performed in this sacred month.  The first ten days of Zul-Hijjah are the most virtuous days in this whole month, Hajj is performed amongst these ten days.
Hadhrat Abu Haraira (R.A) reports from the Holy Prophet (Sallallahu-Alayhi-Wasallam) : "Amongst all days there are none better to engage in sole worship of Allah than in the ten days of Zul-Hijjah,  To observe a fast on any of these days is equivalent to fasting throughout the year, to actively engage in prayer and worship throughout any of these nights holds such rewarding values leveling with "night of power" (Laylatul-Qadr) "Tirmizi"
It has been stated in the Holy Qur'an, "By the dawn; By the ten nights (ie. the first ten days of the month of Zul-Hijjah), and by the even and the odd (of all the creations of Allah) and by night when it departs.  There is indeed in them (the above oaths) sufficient proofs for men of understanding.  (and that they should avoid all kinds of sins and disbelief)"
Hadhrat Abi Qataadah (R.A) reports in a part narration from the Holy Prophet 
(Sallallahu-Alayhi-Wasallam) concerning the fast observed on the day of Arafaat: "I have full confidence in Allah for the one who observes a fast on the day of Arafaat that his previous year's sins and the proceeding year's sins are forgiven."

. The Prophet 
(Sallallahu-Alayhi-Wasallam) performed the farewell Hajj and gave the historic sermon known as the "Farewell Sermon"
2. Egypt was conquered by the army sent by Hadhart Umar (R.A.)
3. Uthmaan (R.A.) was appointed the third Caliph
4. "Bay'ate-Aqabah"

5. Hadhrat Fatimah (R.A.) was married in this holy month to the fourth Caliph Hadhrat Ali (R.A.)

i) Hadhrat Umar (R.A.) met martydom- 27th of Zul-Hijjah in the year 26 A.H.
ii) Hadhrat Uthmaan (R.A) was martyred- 18th Zul-Hijjah in the year 35 A.H.

Zul-Qa'dah (Eleventh month of the Islamic Calendar.)

Eleventh month of the Islamic Calendar.

Meaning: Taken from the word "qa'ada" which means to sit. This is the third sacred month in which fighting was forbidden. The people also used to stop their business activities during this month and sit and prepare for the Hajj (Pilgrimage). This is also a sacred month.
1. The battle of 'khandaq (trench) or Ahzab' took place in the year 5 A.H.

2. In the year 6 A.H.-Truce of Hudaubiyah.

3. In the year 6 A.H 'Bay'at-e-Rizwaan' (The oath of allegiance named Rizwaan).

4. The return to Makkah for Umrah by Holy Prophet 
(Sallallahu-Alayhi-Wasallam) and his Companions in the year 7 A.H.

Shawwal (Tenth month of the Islamic Calendar.)

Tenth month of the Islamic Calendar.

Meaning: Uplift/breakage, as before Islam, Arabs believed that any marriage held in Shawwal would always turn out to be unsuccessful.  Taken from the word "shala" which means "when the female camel gets pregnant". When this name was given, the female camels used to get pregnant during this time of the year.

The first day of Shawwal is Eid-Ul-Fitr, the day of festival and when all sins are forgiven as a reward for fasting and prayers in the month of Ramadan.
Its Sunnah ( Tradition of Holy Prophet (Sallallahu-Alayhi-Wasallam) ) to fast for six days in Shawwal, as narrated in the following Hadeeth by Abu Ayyub Ansaru (R.A) that the Holy Prophet (Sallallahu-Alayhi-Wasallam) has said, "If one throughout his life keeps the fasts of Ramadan and keeps six consecutive fasts in Shawwal it will be as though he has kept a whole life time of fasts, and if one fast for six consecutive days in Shawwal it will be as though he has fasted all year round."

1. Hadhrat Aa'ishah Siddiqah (R.A) was born in Shawwal, 4 years after Prophethood and 9 years before Hijrah.
2. Hadhrat Aa'ishah Siddiqah (R.A.) was married to Holy Prophet 
(Sallallahu-Alayhi-Wasallam)  in Shawwal,  10 years after Prophethood which is 3 years before Hijrah.

3. The fight between Banu Qaynaqaa took place between the battle of Badr and Uhud, Shawwal 2 A.H. after Hijrah.

4. The battle of Uhud also took place in Shawwaal, three years after Hijrah.
5. Hadhrat Hussain (R.A) Holy Prophet's
(Sallallahu-Alayhi-Wasallam) grandson (son of Hadhrat Fatima R.A.) was born in the month of Shawwaal 4 years after Hijrah.
6. The Holy Prophet 
(Sallallahu-Alayhi-Wasallam) married Hadhrat Umme Salamah (R.A.) in Shawwal in the 4 year after Hijrah.
7. Hadhrat Aa'ishah Siddiqah's (R.A) mother passed away in year 5 A.H.
8. The Holy Prophet's 
(Sallallahu-Alayhi-Wasallam) uncle Abu Talib departed from this world in the middle of Shawwal in the year 5 A.H.
9. Imam Bukhari (R.A.) was born on a Friday of Shawwaal in the year 194 A.H.

Ramadan (Ninth month of the Islamic Calendar.)

Ninth month of the Islamic Calendar.

Meaning: Derived from "RAMADHA", literally means "intense heat".  The possible reasons for this meaning:
1. When the Islamic months were enforced the month of fasting coincided with the summer months of intense heat.

2. The second reason which has been mentioned is that due to fasting the temperature within the stomach increases, again the element of heat is a factor behind the actual naming of RAMADAN.

3. It has also been said that "RAMADHAA" is one of the names of Allah Ta'aalaa.  If that is the case then the month has acquired the name due to the fact that Allah Ta'aalaa burns away accumulated sins and eliminates then from the list of unlawful deeds.  Once again the burning sins cannonades "HEAT".  However. it should be acknowledged that this reasoning is not wholly reliable.

Hadhrat Salmaan (R.A) reports that on the last day of Sha'baan the Messenger of Allah Ta'aalaa addressed then and said, "Oh people, there comes before you now a great month, a most blessed month in which lies a night more greater in virtue than 1,000 months; (LAYLATUL-QADR).  It is a month in which each day should be observed by fasting, this has been made obligatory by the Almighty Allah."

1. Hadhrat Hasan (R.A.), Holy Prophet (Sallallahu-Alayhi-Wasallam) grandson was born on 15th of Ramadan, three years after Hijrah.

2. Qur'an was revealed on the 27th night of Ramadan from the "Lauhe Mahfooz" (on 7th heaven) to 1st heaven.

3. The first Battle in the Islamic History, "BATTLE OF BADR" took place on the 12th of Ramadan in year 2 A.H.

4. Victory of Makkah took place on 18th of Ramadan in the year 8 A.H.
5. Hadhrat Sawdah (R.A) was married in year 10 A.H. to the Holy Prophet 
6. Hadhrat Zainab Bint Khuzaima's (R.A.) marriage took place in the year 3 A.H. to the Holy Prophet 

7. Deaths:
i)  Hadhrat Ruqayyah (R.A),  Holy Prophet (Sallallahu-Alayhi-Wasallam) daughter, passed away at the young age of 23 in the year 2 A.H when the Prophet (Sallallahu-Alayhi-Wasallam) was at "Battle of Badr".
ii)  Hadhrat Khadijah (R.A), wife of the Holy prophet 
(Sallallahu-Alayhi-Wasallam)  departed from this world on the 11th of Ramadan in the year 10 A.H.

iii)  Hadrat Fatimah (R.A) took leave from the world on a Tuesday 3rd Ramadan in the year 11 A.H. (6 months after the death of Holy Prophet 
(Sallallahu-Alayhi-Wasallam) she was only 29 years old.)

iv)  Hadrat Abbas (R.A.) the Holy Prophet 
(Sallallahu-Alayhi-Wasallam) uncle passed away on a Friday  12th Ramadan in the year 32 A.H at the age of 88
v)  Hadrat Ali (R.A.) the Prophet 
(Sallallahu-Alayhi-Wasallam) son-in-law departed from this world on Friday 27th Ramadan, age 57 in the year 40 A.H.

vi)  Hadhrat Saffiyah (R.A.) took leave from this world in the year 50 A.H., aged 60 years.

vii) Hadhrat Aa'ishah (R.A.) was 65 years old when she departed in the year 58 A.H.

Shaban ( Eight month of the Islamic Calendar.)

 Eight month of the Islamic Calendar.

Meaning:    Consecutively escalating.  (Undisturbed increase).  Derived from the word "shu'ba", which means branch.  The Arabs used to branch out during this month to look for water.
With the Arrival of the Shaban moon numerous blessings are showered upon us.  Just as the initiation of rainfall begins with "pitter patter" such blessings reach us in the same accord and fashion.
With the Beginning of Shaban blessings are initiated which progressively escalate so that by mid-Shaban the blessings have reached a considerable amount and finally such blessings reached a considerable amount and finally such blessings reach their peak by the end of Ramadan.
For example just as a farmer prepares for a fruitful harvest by harrowing his acreage so that the soil may readily retain water, in contrast our souls are geared by the presence of such blessings in Shaban effectively preparing us for a fruitful and completely advantageous Ramadan.
Our Holy Prophet 
(Sallallahu-Alayhi-Wasallam) has said, "Shaban is my month and Ramadan the month of Allah Ta'aalaa." (Daylami)


 "Laila-tul Baraa'at (Night of forgiveness) the fifteenth night of Shaban.
2. "Qibla", the direction to be adopted within salaah, was reverted back to the "Ka'aba" in Makkah (after being coverted to Baitul Muqaddas in Jerusalem for a short period of time).  This took place two years after Hijraah on the 15th of Shaban.
3. Fasting in the blessed month of Ramadan was made compulsory in the year 2 A.H. on the 25th of Shaban.
4. Three years A.H. Hadhrat Hafsa (R.A) was joined in matrimony with the Prophet 
5. In this very month forty two years later Hadhrat Hafsa (R.A) took leave from this world.
6. The birth of the Prophet's 
(Sallallahu-Alayhi-Wasallam) grandson Hadhrat Hussain (R.A.) took place, four years on the fifth of Shaban.
7. The battle of Banu Mustaliq took place in Shaban.
8. During the above mentioned battle, the "Aayah of Tayammum" (Purifying with sand before salaah) was revealed, in the year 5 A.H.
9. The daughter of the beloved Prophet 
(Sallallahu-Alayhi-Wasallam) Umme Kulthum (R.A.) took leave from this world, in the 9 A.H.

Rajab (Seventh month of the Islamic Calendar.)

 Seventh month of the Islamic Calendar.

Meaning:    From Rajaba "to respect".  Another one of the sacred months in which fighting was forbidden prior to Islam. This was one of the most respected months for the Arabs.  It is also called Rajab al Fard. Fard means alone; because the other three sacred months come one after another, except this month.  It comes alone not like the other 3 consecutive sacred months.
1. The Holy Prophet (Sallallahu-Alayhi-Wasallam) ascended to Heaven on the 27th of Rajab on either Sunday or Monday (Mi'raaj).
2. Hadhrat Bilal Ibn Haritha (R.A) brought a congregation of four hundred men named Banu Muzeena in the presence of the Holy Prophet 
(Sallallahu-Alayhi-Wasallam).  They all embraced Islam and became followers of the Holy Prophet (Sallallahu-Alayhi-Wasallam) in the year 5 A.H
3. The battle of Tabook took place in the year 9 A.H. This was the last battle in which the Holy Prophet 
(Sallallahu-Alayhi-Wasallam) participated.
4. The second Oath of Aqabah took place in Rajab, 12 A.H.

5. Deaths:

Imam Abu Hanifa (R.A) passed away on the 15th of Rajab 150 A.H.
Imam Shafi'ee (R.A) passed away on the 14th Rajab 204 A.H.
Imam Muslim (R.A) passed away on the 24th of Rajab 261 A.H.
Imam Nawawee (R.A) passed away on the 14th of Rajab 677 A.H.

Jumada-Al-Thani (Sixth month of the Islamic Calendar.)

Sixth month of the Islamic Calendar.

Meaning: Second month of summer.
1. Battle of Salaasil took place in 8 A.H.
2. Abu Salama (R.A) died in the year 4 A.H.

Jumada-Al-Awwal (Fifth month of the Islamic Calendar.)

Fifth month of the Islamic Calendar.

Meaning: The first month of summer. "Jumada" means dry.
1. The Battle "Moota" took place in 8 A.H.  A war against infidels in which th Holy Prophet (Sallallahu-Alayhi-Wasallam) did not participate.  Th battle is named after a famous city in Syria (Moota).  Hadrat Zaid Ibn Haritha (R.A) was the first appointed General by the Holy Prophet (Sallallahu-Alayhi-Wasallam)
2. In the same Battle Hadrat Khalid ibn Walid (fourth general of the Battle of Moota) was proclaimed by the Holy Prophet (Sallallahu-Alayhi-Wasallam) as being "one of the swords of Allah".
3. The Holy Prophet (Sallallahu-Alayhi-Wasallam) married his first beloved wife; Hadrat Khadijah (R.A) 15 years prior to Prophecy.
4. Deaths:
Hadrat Zaid Ibn Haritha (R.A) met martyrdom in 8 A.H
Hadrat Ja'far Ibn Abi Talib (R.A.) met martyrdom in 8 A.H.
Hadrat Abdullah Ibn Rawaahah met martyrdom in 8 A.H.
Hadrat Abdullah Ibn Uthman (R.A.) passed away.
The Holy Prophet 
(Sallallahu-Alayhi-Wasallam) grandfather Abdul Muttalib passed away 32 years prior to prophency.

Rabi-Al-Thani (Fourth month of the Islamic Calendar.)

Fourth month of the Islamic Calendar.

Meaning: The second month of spring.
Events:1. Battle of Furu' from Buhraan took place in 3 A.H  Sariyyah-Battle in which the Holy Prophet (Sallallahu-Alayhi-Wasallam) did not take part in, instead he consigned one of his Companions as the colonel.  The consigned: Sariyyah Ali Ibn Abi Talib in the 9th Hijri.  Sariyyah-Ibn Alqamah Mujaazziz Mudlejee.
2. Hadrat Khwaja Nizamuddin- 18th Rabi-ul-Akhir: 725 Hijri.  Hadrat Sheikh Abdul Qadir Jilanee- 11th Rabi-ul-akhir: 561 Hijri passed away at the age of 90.

Rabi-Al-Awwal ( Third month of the Islamic calendar )

Third month of the Islamic calendar
Meaning: First month of spring.  It seems it was spring time when the name was given.
1. The Holy Prophet (Sallallahu-Alayhi-Wasallam) was born in this month as mercy for all and departed from this world 63 years later.

2. The Holy Prophet (Sallallahu-Alayhi-Wasallam)  migrated from Makkah to Madinah Munawwarah.
3. Battle of Buwaat took place in the year 2 A.H.
4. Battle of Saf'vaan took place in the year 2 A.H.
5. Abu Bakr's(R. A) daughter, Asma (R.A.) was born 6 years before Prophecy.
6. Ruqayyah (R. A.) the daughter of the beloved Prophet 
(Sallallahu-Alayhi-Wasallam) was born 7 years before Prophecy.
7. Abu Bakr (RA.) was appointed Caliph.
8. Hadhrat Umme Kuithum was married in this month to the third Caliph; Uthman (R.A.) in 3 A.H.
9. Wife of the Holy Prophet 
(Sallallahu-Alayhi-Wasallam) Zainab (RA.) passed away in the year 4 A.H.
10. Ibrahim (RA.) the son of Maaria Qibtiya & of the Holy Prophet 
(Sallallahu-Alayhi-Wasallam) passed away in the year 10 A.H.

Safar (Second month of the Islamic calendar )

 Second month of the Islamic calendar

Meaning: This word means "whistling of the wind". When this name was assigned to this month, it was probably a windy time of the year. As mentioned earlier, most of the months were named according to weather conditions at the time. However, since they are based on the moon, the months shift about 11 days every year. So, the seasons do not necessarily correspond to the name of the month anymore.
This time of the year was considered to be cursed as many catastrophes and calamities took place.  However this belief has been proven to be false and totally without foundation (absurd).
This can also be confirmed by the following hadeeth.
Hadhrat Jaabir (R.A.) has said that, "I have heard the Prophet 
(Sallallahu-Alayhi-Wasallam) saying, the descending of illness and evil superstition befalling in the month of Safar is untrue." (Muslim)
1. The Battle of Abwaa took place on 12th of Safar in the year 2 A.H.
2. The Battle of Khaibar took place in the year 7 A.H.

3. Hadhrat Ali (R A ) married Prophet 
(Sallallahu-Alayhi-Wasallam) daughter Hadhrat Fatima (R.A.) in the latter days of Safar 2 A.H.
4. Khubaib Ibn Adey (R.A.) was martyred in Safar in the year 4 A.H. in Makkah.
5. Zaid Ibn Dathina (RA) was martyred in this month in the year 4 A.H. in Makkah.

Muharram (First month of the Islamic Calendar.)

 First month of the Islamic Calendar.
Meaning: The word "Muharram" means "Forbidden."  Even before Islam, this month was always known as a scared month in which all unlawful acts were forbidden, prominently the shedding of blood.  
Blessing: There are many bounties of this month, especially on 10th of Muharram.
    10th of Muharram: On this day he who spends more lavishly for the sake of his family members, Allah Ta'aalaa will bestow blessing upon the sustenance of the following year.
Abu Qataada (R.A.) has related that the Prophet (Sallallahu-Alayhi-Wasallam) has reported to have said, It is my thought that by fasting on the 10th of Muharram Allah Ta'aalaa will pardon the sins of the past year. (Tirmizi)
Prior To Islam1. Prophet Adam (pbuh) was born and entered the Paradise on 10th of Muharram.
2. Prophet Ayyub (pbuh) was cured from his illness.
3. A way was made in the sea for Bani Israel.
4. Prophet Suleman (pbuh) was ordained King.
5. The oceans and heavens were created.            (Tanbihul-Gaafileen)

During Islam:1. Hadhrat Hussain (R.A.) was martyred in this month.
2. Shaykhain Tirmizi & Haakim has narrated from Anas (R.A) that the following verse:
"Allah may forgive thee of thy sins that which is past and that which is to come . . ."
                                                                                                                (Qur'an Al-Fath 48:2)
was revealed on the 10th of Muharram.
3. The Prophet Muhammed 
(Sallallahu-Alayhi-Wasallam) went to defeat Bani Muhaarin and Bani Tha'laba (Tribes of Bani Gatfan) in the year 4 A.H. (Asahhus-siyar)
4. Qiyaamah will take place on the 10th of Muharram.

six (6) Rozas of Shawwal [Nafils (surplus) Fasting during the month of Shawwal (Shawwaal, Shawal)]

Hazrat Abu Ayyoob Ansaari (r.a) reported that the Holy Prophet (Peace be upon him) said that the one who will have observed roza (fasting) during the entire Holy month of Ramdan (Ramzan, Ramadwaan) and afterwards observe six (6) days of roza (fasting) nafils (surplus) during the month of Shawwal (Shawwaal, Shawal), will be considered as someone who will have fasted during one whole year. 

[Reference. Muslim, Abu-Daawood, Tirmizi, Ibn Maajaa, Mishkaat]

Tuesday, July 23, 2013

Sunnah Way of Cutting Nails



Ahadees a Nabwi SAWW on Maswak (Miswaak, Maskwaak)

Ahadees a Nabwi SAWW on Maswak (Miswaak, Maskwaak)

Maswaak - Maswak kernay kay fawaid - Benifits of Maswak - Miswaak

Maswak - Maswaak in the light of Sunat a Nabwi SAWW

Maswak - Maswaak in the light of Sunnat a Nabwi SAWW

Miswak Ke Sunnaten

Miswak (Mswak, Miswak, Misiwak, Masiwak, Muswak, Maswak, Swak, Siwak, Sewak, Chewing Stick)

Miswak The Natural Way of Brushing Teeth: 
Nature has provided us with a wonderful solution to effectively and safely maintain oral hygiene. Miswak is Thè root of Thè Peelu tree (Salvadora Persica) known in Arabic as Arak Research indicates that Miswak suppresses decay causing bacteria, gingivitis and plaque formation among many other benefits.

Misiwak - Old Man Selling and Doing Maskwak - Miswak
Being Thè Pioneer in Miswak preservation technology in Pakistan,  has strategically located collection points and a comprehensive supply chain solution for this indigenously growing root in Thè Southern Parts of Pakistan. Quality is ensured from Thè procurement of raw material, up to its sophisticated processing, vacuum packing and export unit in Karachi.

Miswak is a natural chewing stick taken from Thè roots of Slavadora Persica (also known as Arak Tree). Thè simple name of “Arak Tree” in Urdu is Peelu. Our  Miswaak is used as a teeth whitener and besides teeth whitening and brushing; it also has many antibacterial benefits. In short, it provides TOTAL ORAL CARE SOLUTION.

Miswak (Mswak, Miswak, Misiwak)
But first of all, why would anyone think of using a tree twig to clean their teeth? Thè fact is ancient man did not have Thè facility of a toothbrush and many cultures have used Miswak for oral hygiene. Thè use of Miswak is well spread in Thè Muslim population of Thè world, and is a common entity in Muslim countries. Thè reason for common use of Miswak by Muslims can be attributed to religious beliefs. Thè last messenger of Islam used it frequently and also instructed his followers to do Thè same and hence Thè practice continues widely in Muslim countries. There are 70 benefits of Miswak as suggested by Islamic Literature and many of these have been scientifically proven and Thè rest haven’t been studied yet.

Miswak - Maswak Tree / Plant / Darakhat - Misiwak
You might be wondering what exactly a Miswak is in Thè first place. Thè Miswak is obtained from Thè twigs of Thè Arak tree (Peelu tree) although a few other trees can also be used to obtain it such as walnut and olive.

Why use Miswak (Swak, Siwak, Sewak) instead of a normal toothbrush
Scientifically as well, it has been proven that Miswak is very good for gums maintenance and it kills bad odour, overall, it improves your taste buds and makes your teeth whiter. Research also indicates that Miswak suppresses decay-causing bacteria, gingivitis and plaque formation among many other benefits.

Woman / Women Doing Miswak  Miswaak Mswak
Misiwak The Natural way of brushing teeth.
It is an organic product.
Keep you safe against all teeth diseases.
Kills bad odour.
Requires no toothpaste.
Easy to carry around.
It has no harmful side-effects.

Men / Man Doing Miswaak - Miswak
Benefits of Miswak (Masiwak, Muswak, Maswak, Chewing Stick)
A Miswak or Siwak is probably an alien thing to Thè western world. But, it’s a twig which a majority of people from Muslim countries use daily to brush their teeth. Although it might sound outdated to use twigs from trees for cleaning your teeth, studies conducted on Thè Miswak prove otherwise. Studies have inferred that Miswak is better than toothpaste for preventing gum disease. It is being known as chewing stick in Thè western world and is being looked upon as a form of alternative medicine. So, let’s analyze this “wonder twig” keeping documented scientific studies as proofs.

A few important benefits of Miswak (Swak, Siwak, Sewak)
Kills Gum disease causing bacteria.
Fights plaque effectively.
Fights against caries.
Removes Bad breath and odor from mouth.
Creates a fragrance in Thè mouth.
Effectively clean between teeth due to its parallel bristles.
Increases salivation and hence inhibits dry mouth (Xerostomia)

Doing Miswak - Miswaak - Maswak - kerna
Scientific Studies on Miswak
Although Thè 70 supposed benefits of Miswak range widely, Thè main one we are examining is its effect on oral health. So, let’s throw some light on scientific studies conducted on Miswak.

The Wrigley Company made a study on Miswak which was published in Thè Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry. Thè study found that mints laced with Miswak extract were 20 times more effective in killing bacteria than ordinary mints. A small testimony to this fact is that after half an hour, Thè mints laced with Miswak extract killed about 60% of Thè bacteria where as Thè ordinary mints managed only 3.6%

In Thè August issue of Journal of Periodontology (2008) appeared a study conducted by Swedish researchers on Miswak. Thè study apparently found that suspended Miswak pieces in a petridish (medium for culturing bacteria) were able to kill bacteria that cause periodontal disease with out being in physical contact with Thè bacteria. Thè researchers suggested that Miswak might be giving antibiotics as gases trying to explain this phenomenon.

A study which compares toothbrushing and using Miswak (Miswak ing!) can be seen on Pubmed (U.S National Library for Medicine Service). Thè study concluded that Miswak was more effective than toothbrushing in reducing plaque and gingivitis provided it was used correctly. Similar studies found on Thè same website and elsewhere vouch for Thè effectiveness of Miswak over toothbrush.

A study conducted by a group of dentists at King Saud University concluded that using Miswak was at least as good as tooth brushing, if not better. There have been plenty of published studies on Miswak and infact entire books published which study its oral and systemic benefits.

Miswaak - Miswak Types Shapes
Now, with all those studies chucked at you, you couldn’t help but wonder why it is so effective. This can be attributed to its strong antibacterial properties. Another important aspect to consider is that its bristles are parallel to Thè handle rather than perpendicular which means effective cleaning between Thè teeth. Now, that’s one natural toothbrush cum toothpaste cum floss.

Miswaak is also spelled as Miswak. In Arabic, it’s also known as sewak. Some people prefer spelling it as sewak, siwak, siwaak and with such small variations.


Family Tree of Hadrat Idris AS start from Hadrat Adam AS

1- Hadrat Adam AS* and Hadrat Hawwa AS* [Wife of Adam; Eve, Hawwa, Chavah]
2- Hadrat Shith AS (Seth, Sheit, Seth)
3- Anusha (Enosh)
4- Qainan (Kenan, Keynan)
5- Mahla'il (Mahalalel, Mehalalel)
6- Yarid (Jared, Yered)
7- Akhnukh (Hadrat Idris AS*, Enoch, Chanoch))

Family Tree of Hadrat Nuh AS start from Hadrat Adam AS

01- Hadrat Adam AS* and Hadrat Hawwa AS* [Wife of Adam; Eve, Hawwa, Chavah]
02- Hadrat Shith AS (Seth, Sheit, Seth)
03- Anusha (Enosh)
04- Qainan (Kenan, Keynan)
05- Mahla'il (Mahalalel, Mehalalel)
06- Yarid (Jared, Yered)
07- Akhnukh (Hadrat Idris AS*, Enoch, Chanoch))
08- Mutwashlack (Methuselah, Metushelach)
09- Lamik (Lamech, Lemech II)
10- Hadrat Nuh AS (Noah)*

Family Tree of Hadrat Hud AS start from Hadrat Adam AS

01- Hadrat Adam AS* and Hadrat Hawwa AS* [Wife of Adam; Eve, Hawwa, Chavah]
02- Hadrat Shith AS (Seth, Sheit, Seth)
03- Anusha (Enosh)
04- Qainan (Kenan, Keynan)
05- Mahla'il (Mahalalel, Mehalalel)
06- Yarid (Jared, Yered)
07- Akhnukh (Hadrat Idris AS*, Enoch, Chanoch))
08- Mutwashlack (Methuselah, Metushelach)
09- Lamik (Lamech, Lemech II)
10- Hadrat Nuh AS (Noah)*
11- Sam (Shem)
12- Arfakhshad (Arphaxad, Arpachshad)
13- Shalikh (Salah, Shelah, Shelach, Saleh)
14- Hadrat Hud AS* (Hood)