Tuesday, August 13, 2013

Ramadan (Ninth month of the Islamic Calendar.)

Ninth month of the Islamic Calendar.

Meaning: Derived from "RAMADHA", literally means "intense heat".  The possible reasons for this meaning:
1. When the Islamic months were enforced the month of fasting coincided with the summer months of intense heat.

2. The second reason which has been mentioned is that due to fasting the temperature within the stomach increases, again the element of heat is a factor behind the actual naming of RAMADAN.

3. It has also been said that "RAMADHAA" is one of the names of Allah Ta'aalaa.  If that is the case then the month has acquired the name due to the fact that Allah Ta'aalaa burns away accumulated sins and eliminates then from the list of unlawful deeds.  Once again the burning sins cannonades "HEAT".  However. it should be acknowledged that this reasoning is not wholly reliable.

Hadhrat Salmaan (R.A) reports that on the last day of Sha'baan the Messenger of Allah Ta'aalaa addressed then and said, "Oh people, there comes before you now a great month, a most blessed month in which lies a night more greater in virtue than 1,000 months; (LAYLATUL-QADR).  It is a month in which each day should be observed by fasting, this has been made obligatory by the Almighty Allah."

1. Hadhrat Hasan (R.A.), Holy Prophet (Sallallahu-Alayhi-Wasallam) grandson was born on 15th of Ramadan, three years after Hijrah.

2. Qur'an was revealed on the 27th night of Ramadan from the "Lauhe Mahfooz" (on 7th heaven) to 1st heaven.

3. The first Battle in the Islamic History, "BATTLE OF BADR" took place on the 12th of Ramadan in year 2 A.H.

4. Victory of Makkah took place on 18th of Ramadan in the year 8 A.H.
5. Hadhrat Sawdah (R.A) was married in year 10 A.H. to the Holy Prophet 
6. Hadhrat Zainab Bint Khuzaima's (R.A.) marriage took place in the year 3 A.H. to the Holy Prophet 

7. Deaths:
i)  Hadhrat Ruqayyah (R.A),  Holy Prophet (Sallallahu-Alayhi-Wasallam) daughter, passed away at the young age of 23 in the year 2 A.H when the Prophet (Sallallahu-Alayhi-Wasallam) was at "Battle of Badr".
ii)  Hadhrat Khadijah (R.A), wife of the Holy prophet 
(Sallallahu-Alayhi-Wasallam)  departed from this world on the 11th of Ramadan in the year 10 A.H.

iii)  Hadrat Fatimah (R.A) took leave from the world on a Tuesday 3rd Ramadan in the year 11 A.H. (6 months after the death of Holy Prophet 
(Sallallahu-Alayhi-Wasallam) she was only 29 years old.)

iv)  Hadrat Abbas (R.A.) the Holy Prophet 
(Sallallahu-Alayhi-Wasallam) uncle passed away on a Friday  12th Ramadan in the year 32 A.H at the age of 88
v)  Hadrat Ali (R.A.) the Prophet 
(Sallallahu-Alayhi-Wasallam) son-in-law departed from this world on Friday 27th Ramadan, age 57 in the year 40 A.H.

vi)  Hadhrat Saffiyah (R.A.) took leave from this world in the year 50 A.H., aged 60 years.

vii) Hadhrat Aa'ishah (R.A.) was 65 years old when she departed in the year 58 A.H.

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